"Dayana's Blog List Jan-Mar 2016"

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Alhamdulillah.. iman nak join satu lagi segmen yang simple.. jom kita join ramai-ramai..
iman suka masuk blog penganjur segmen ni.. tema floral yang sangat tenang, cantik tetapi simple..
tambah-tambah pink blog Dayana ni..ok banner untuk segmen ni:


The simple steps are: 
1. Follow this blog and follow my instagram
2. Create a blog post with the title "Dayana's Blog List Jan-Mar 2016" with the banner above that links to this post.
3. Post the link of the blog post in the comment below. 
If there are more than 20 entries, 20 bloggers will be chosen via random.org.
Thank you lovelies!

ok..itu sahaja.. jom sama-sama kita join!
Salam Blogger
~Beautiful Of Iman~


Syuhaina Atikah said...

singgah sini dari segmen y sama.gud luck:)

Syuhaina Atikah said...

singgah sini dari segmen y sama.gud luck:)

Dayana Z said...

Thanks a lot for joining :) , the name list is up already.
Esok inshaAllah tahu siapa will be in the twenty.

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